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Zoom Etiquette Guidelines

Setting yourself up to do well online is rooted in the same skills that help you do well in person—attentiveness, preparation, hard work, responsiveness, engagement—but the two modes of learning and engaging do have differences. Here are some tips to help you make the most of online interactions.

Get Set Up for Zoom

Getting Started

Zoom Surroundings

Communicating on Zoom

Check Your Technology and Know Where to Get Help

Do you have the necessary technology to be able to fully participate in your course? Minimally, you will need a reliable internet connection and computer; much of what you’ll be asked to do on Zoom can be done with a mobile phone and data plan, but a computer will generally give you a better experience. Earbuds/headphones may also be helpful.

If you need help meeting the technology requirements to participate online, please call the main campus helpline at 202-784-3510 and notify your Advising Dean. See this UIS page for help with connectivity issues. Need help with equipment? Contact

When in Doubt, Communicate!

If you are unsure about how to best proceed with Zoom etiquette (e.g. whether or not to have your camera on, or taking a Zoom call from a mobile phone), don’t hesitate to give the other attendees a heads up or ask your professor what expectations they have. During times like these, communication might require more effort and attention. Your professor will let you know the best way(s) to communicate, depending on the issue you are having. Be sure to reach out for help whenever something is unclear or confusing, or if you are having other issues.

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