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OCR accessibility tools

Why use it?

OCR, or optical character recognition, can also be referred to as text recognition. OCR softwares can recognize text in a scanned document or image and turn it into a machine-readable text file, and then use a text to speech function to actually read that text out loud.

What can I do with it?

OCR accessibility tools can help make courses more inclusive, especially to any students with visual impairments or learning disabilities. In addition, faculty using scanned materials may find that OCR accessibility tools make navigating their readings much easier.

Get started

There are a number of tools that can create accessible PDFs.

Whenever possible, run OCR software on scanned materials before sending them to students, as different students may have different tool access and might not be able to run OCR software themselves. Also, text recognition performed by OCR is rarely perfect, and should probably be checked over before using in case of mistakes in recognition.

Below is a comparison of these 4 tools and their features.

Google Docs


Scanners (GU Library)

Adobe Acrobat

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