In technology-enhanced learning, an instructor thoughtfully makes use of technology to improve conditions for learning and provide plentiful opportunities for practice, feedback, interaction, and engagement. Taking into consideration the tools at their disposal, instructors should aim to integrate technology in their courses to foster improved learning and student success. Below you will find some guides to help you get started with technology-enhanced learning.
For a complete list of GU-supported digital tools, please see Teaching Tools.
Digital Learning Days
Digital Learning Days is a bi-annual, multi-day training opportunity for participants to get hands-on experience with technologies supported here at GU. You will also hear from colleagues who have incorporated technology into their pedagogical practices.
Digital Learning Webinar Series
Monthly webinar that introduces participants to what’s new and interesting in digital learning at Georgetown University.
Technology Practice in Higher Education literature review
This literature review compiles research on the integration of technology in the higher education classroom, focusing on various aspects of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). It encompasses foundational principles for effective digital teaching, and reviews case studies such as the impact of virtual learning environments on academic performance.
Digital Learning Technology Assistants program
The Digital Learning Technology Assistants (DLTA) program, formerly known as the ITA program, is designed to help faculty intentionally and thoughtfully integrate digital tools and technology into their teaching. DLTAs will primarily be available to support faculty with short-term technology-related projects, such as building out their Canvas courses and supporting faculty with integrating Georgetown supported tools and technologies into their teaching.