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Student engagement generally refers to students’ level of investment, passion, and interest in the subject and course material, as well as the degree of interaction and the motivation shown by students to learn and progress through the course. There are a number of digital tools and strategies that can help students engage more deeply with the course materials.

Engagement with course materials

The primary means for students to engage with course materials is typically reading. While we often give students reading quizzes, direct them to answer discussion board reading prompts, or submit short response papers to gage their engagement with the materials, you can also consider ways for students to be able to engage both with the text and each other more deeply and meaningfully using digital tools. That is, you can create opportunities for students to read, analyze, and annotate texts together. Doing so can increase students’ sense of accountability and also enhance peer learning. Digital tools such as VoiceThread and Panopto also allow students to annotate with multimedia, including images, sound and video files, and hyperlinks to other content.

Before diving more deeply into specific tools that can support this kind of engagement, there are two key things to keep in mind. First, what do you want students to get out of the material? Before choosing a technology, ensure that the uses of that tool actually enhance your goals for student learning. Second, how can you lessen the learning curve involved in the use of new technologies? In order to reduce student anxiety (as well as your own!) and increase their levels of engagement, build in time and space to demonstrate the new tool, model how you would like them to engage with it, and allow students to practice before they are asked to perform. Some tools to consider:

Things to remember

Further resources:

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