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The Value of Discourse

The Inquiry and Discourse Toolkit is intended to support faculty as they accompany students into the fray of learning in a complex and pluralistic world, one that demands deep inquiry and collaborative engagement. As beautifully articulated above, it is the responsibility of institutions of higher learning to foster the conditions that make open discourse, inquiry, and intellectual exploration not only possible but productive, valuable, and meaningful. Georgetown’s own stated foundational principles values provide us with a context from which to do this work, including:

What You’ll Find in This Toolkit

The Inquiry and Dialogue Toolkit and the resources curated here offer research and guidance on the importance of academic expression, deep inquiry, and dialogue as well as how to operationalize these values in effective ways. This requires attention to relationships—between students and faculty, between students and students, and between students and academic material. In order to make this compendium as practical as possible, we have divided the toolkit into the five key stages we consider to be central to the process of navigating productive academic inquiry and dialogue: