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Teaching modalities fall along a continuum from in-person to hybrid to fully online. Hybrid is an umbrella term that often blends synchronous and asynchronous instruction for replacing or complementing in-class instruction. HyFlex is a specific type of approach that enables a mix of student participation - some students may be in the classroom while others join the classroom instruction virtually. Fully online courses engage the students in virtual synchronous or asynchronous activities. Note that these modalities refer to the entire course rather than what happens in any one class period and there is a wide variation of terminology commonly used to describe different modes of teaching.



Online Programs

We work directly with programs, departments, and schools to create online programs and courses. Our services can vary depending on need, and can include program development, curricular design as well as course design and production.

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Digital Learning Days

Digital Learning Days provide faculty with an opportunity to brush up on their current digital teaching skills and learn new pedagogical approaches.

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The annual Teaching, Learning, & Innovation Summer Institute (TLISI) brings together faculty across all campuses to learn, share best practices and research, innovate and create, learn new technologies, and ask questions about teaching and learning.

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Teaching Circles

The Teaching Circle model is a combined approach that draws from elements of the more common CNDLS programming of cohorts (CNDLS-driven) and faculty learning communities (faculty-driven). Teaching Circles put faculty expertise at the helm while also ensuring that CNDLS has an opportunity to share and emphasize evidence-based and research informed teaching practices.

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