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The Apprenticeship in Teaching (AT) Program is designed to help graduate students and other developing teachers become more reflective, skilled, equitable, and passionate instructors, informed by the research on teaching and learning in higher education, and conversant with pedagogical best practices.

The program offers a chance for graduate students and others to participate in pedagogy workshops and build a teaching portfolio designed to enhance their preparation for college teaching. With mentorship and support from current faculty and CNDLS professional teaching staff, we aim to give participants increased confidence and preparation for a thriving teaching practice in an academic position or other career paths.

Ways to engage

The AT Program invites various levels of participation:

  1. Ad hoc participation: Join workshops based on personal interest or request specific consultations with AT Program staff. Participants can receive a Letter of Participation upon request.
  2. Workshop series: Complete the Intro, five core, and two elective workshops for a Letter of Completion.
  3. Program completion: Fulfill workshop series requirements and complete a Teaching Portfolio (consisting of six elements) over at least two semesters. Participants completing the full AT Program receive a Letter of Completion and a transcript notation.

Note: If you joined before Fall 2019, email for specific completion requirements.

Register for the AT Program

Who is the AT Program for?

The program is oriented toward students planning to teach in higher education, although participants going on to other teaching professions or careers involving various teaching opportunities have found the program useful, too. All interested graduate students in both masters and doctoral programs are eligible to participate. (There is no charge to students or their departments to participate in the AT program. Graduate students at any point in their careers are welcome to participate.)

The AT program does not replace departmental teacher preparation courses but can be incorporated into a larger curriculum of professional development. Moreover, we welcome post-docs and others to attend our workshops and submit Teaching Portfolio elements. Instead of a transcript notation, you will receive a Letter of Completion or Participation detailing your participation in the AT Program. If you have any questions, please email

To keep a personal record of your attendance and participation, you can also log into the AT Canvas Page, which we update after each workshop and completed task.