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Program questions

Why should I participate in the AT Program?

The Apprenticeship in Teaching Program offers mentorship, professional development, meaningful dialogue with others interested in teaching, resources, best practices, and guidance from teaching experts at the university. Participants will meet and work alongside peers from departments around the university who share a common interest in the practice of teaching as they participate in workshops around topics of teaching and learning. Participants also have the opportunity to build a Teaching Portfolio (containing elements like teaching philosophy statements, sample syllabi, etc.) in consultation with faculty mentors and CNDLS professional teaching staff. While the AT Program is designed for those planning to go on in academia, many of our participants also find the program valuable as a means of personal and professional development, regardless of career objectives.

Who can participate in the AT Program?

Doctoral students, Masters students, and Postdocs from across Georgetown’s Campus are invited to participate. PhD and Masters candidates can participate in any track, receive the appropriate Letter of Participation/Completion, and have the option of receiving a transcript notation for fully completing the program. Postdocs are welcome to participate in any track, and can receive the appropriate Letter of Participation/Completion; transcript notations, however, are not available for Postdocs. Faculty and Staff are welcome to attend workshops on an ad hoc basis. If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility to participate, please email us at

What kind of program is the AT Program?

The Apprenticeship in Teaching Program is a mentorship and training program for students who are interested in the pragmatics of teaching and would like to learn how to be more informed, reflective instructors. The program is not a teacher certification program and does not replace the formal training/certification programs that may be necessary for particular teaching careers (e.g. teaching in the public school system). Instead, we offer thoughtful ideas, resources, community, and dialogue that can supplement other training or help prepare you for teaching in the future.

Does it cost anything to participate in the program?

No—this is an entirely complimentary program funded by CNDLS and the Georgetown Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

When do I need to submit my program registration form?

While the form need not be turned in as a prerequisite for workshop registration, we strongly advise participants to turn in their registration form as soon as they can. If you have any questions about the levels of participation in the AT Program, email

If the registration form is submitted and I don’t finish the program, what happens?

In short, nothing. If you do not finish the program before graduation, we will move our records of your registration and workshop attendances to an “inactive” list. You will still see the workshops you have taken on Canvas, under the “Grades” section. Participating does not at any point obligate you to complete the program—though we will support you if completion is your goal! In addition, you may request a Letter of Participation at any time, listing the workshops you’ve attended and any Teaching Portfolio elements you’ve completed, signed by the director of the program.

What happens with the AT program over the summer?

Aside from our asynchronous Designing Online Courses workshop, the AT Program does not offer workshops over the summer. You are welcome, however, to work on your Teaching Portfolio over the summer. We offer a summer Teaching Portfolio deadline for those who have a summer graduation date. CNDLS does sometimes have training opportunities over the summer, some of which can be counted as an elective credit. Email for more details.

How do graduate students go about acquiring TA positions on campus?

Different departments have different habits in seeking out and selecting teaching assistants. Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you in finding a TA position. We’d recommend that you speak with your department or program administrator for further help seeking out TA positions.


When can I expect next semester’s workshops to be posted?

We try to post the final semester workshop schedule shortly before the semester begins. Once it is posted, several blast emails will be sent by the graduate school and through the departments. We also advertise workshops through the GradGov newsletter.

How do I keep track of the workshops I have attended?

We suggest you keep track of your workshop attendances in your personal records. You can also check off the workshops you have taken on your copy of the registration form.

Use Canvas to view the workshops for which you have received credit. Remember that, to receive credit, you have to attend the full workshop, start to finish, and actively participate in the activities. To view the workshops for which you have received attendance credit, log on to Canvas, and then click “Grades.” You should see all of the workshops you have attended (including in past semesters), as well as any Teaching Portfolio elements you have completed. If any workshops you have attended are missing, please email us at

What do I do if I have a suggestion for a workshop?

Let us know what workshop you’d like to see. You can add it as a comment at the end of the feedback form we ask you to fill out at the end of each workshop, or you can email us with your idea.

Teaching Portfolio

How do I accomplish all of the elements of the Teaching Portfolio?

Please refer to the Process portion of our website for details on the requirements we ask you to meet. We strongly recommend that you begin work on your Teaching Portfolio before your final semester. For graduating participants, the deadline for Teaching Portfolio completion is before Thanksgiving Break in the fall and just after Spring Break in the spring semester. You will need to complete your Teaching Portfolio before the deadline of the semester you will be graduating.

How should I go about asking a faculty member to review my Teaching Portfolio elements or let me observe their teaching?

Many people ask faculty members with whom they have close working relationships to review their Teaching Portfolio elements. If at all possible, we recommend that you ask a faculty member who knows you and your goals. But if you feel you don’t have anyone to ask, we can try to help set you up with a faculty member in your department who is open to reviewing Teaching Portfolio elements for the AT Program.

If the course I want to observe is a three-hour-long course, do I still need to observe three sessions?

We find it important that you observe the professor and class dynamic on several different days. Therefore, if the class you’re observing is a once-a-week class that meets for several hours at a time, we would encourage you to attend at least 2 of the class periods. You need not observe the entire session if you have an opportunity to leave early discreetly and have discussed your plans with the professor you are observing. In all, you should aim to have three hours or more of observations that take place over at least two class periods.

Any further guidelines on completing the videotaped teaching Portfolio element?

The most important thing is that you try to create a teaching situation that comes as close to a traditional classroom as you can. It’s important that there be some interactivity during the session, which should be at least 30 minutes long. Participants are encouraged to check out a camera from Gelardin or work with SCS’s videographer. There is a space available for reservation in the Car Barn equipped with cameras and other technology available for use by you to record your videotaped teaching Portfolio element. Please notify the AT Program at least one week in advance to schedule the use of the room.