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Why use Turnitin?

Faculty use Turnitin as an originality check when students submit written assignments in Canvas. The Turnitin tools checks the student submission for matches with known sources and with a database of prior student assignments. Faculty and, optionally, students are presented with matches as well as a score of matches as a way to assess the originality of the student’s work.

Turnitin can also be used by students to identify matches and improperly cited sources. Students can check rough drafts of papers and assignments for originality and proper citation and to identify what needs revision before the final draft is due. Thus, Turnitin can be integrated in a learning process of good writing.

What can I do with it?

Turnitin allows faculty to identify sources whether properly or improperly used, cited or referenced. In addition to the percentage of matches, the tool identifies and highlights parts of the student work and the sources with which it has been matched.

Turnitin is integrated with Canvas Assignments but can also be used as a Canvas External Tool or through a stand-alone site separate from Canvas. The Canvas assignment integration provides the easiest workflow for most faculty and students.

Turnitin includes a grammar check. Enabling the grammar check on a Turnitin assignment allows student submissions to receive automated grammar feedback generated through e-rater technology developed by ETS. This technology automatically checks and marks up submissions for grammar, usage, mechanics, style and spelling errors while also providing in-depth feedback.

Get started

Turnitin is available in any Canvas course. The Canvas Integrated Tools page has information on how to use the fully integrated Plagiarism Review tool as well as the External Tool. There is also guidance on how to approach the similarity report.

You can always contact us at with questions or receive more immediate assistance by completing our consultation request form.

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