Audio tools
Why use audio tools?
Podcasting is the production of digital audio files posted online for the public to listen to. Students can use podcasting to do original research in the form of interviews, make research arguments, and connect with a larger community. Assigning podcasting and other forms of audio storytelling have grown in popularity because they offer an opportunity to practice writing, interviewing, research, presentation, and storytelling skills.
What can I do with them?
Podcasts are used at Georgetown in a variety of ways, including as a course assignment, as a companion to scholarship, and to give regular updates on the work of a research group or center. The GU Library provides access and support for a number of audio software including GarageBand, Audacity, and Adobe Audition.
How faculty use audio tools
Professor Adam Rothman’s history students produced a 10-15 minute podcast for their final projects.
Global Health
Using GarageBand, students in Professor Myriam Vuckovic’s Global Health Promotion course created an audio project.
Get started
The Digital Scholarship Services team at the GU Library can help you get started with podcasting, from design to equipment to assistant using various audio software. You can always contact for any other assistance, including how to design and assess your podcasting assignment.