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Why use VoiceThread?

Use VoiceThread to facilitate online discussions around course material, interactive student presentations, and other discussion-based assignments. VoiceThread has a visually engaging interface, with the primary media/subject centrally arranged, with small profile pictures of commenters on the side which helps it to feel more socially interactive than a traditional discussion board. The various formats for leaving comments―audio, text, or video―allow students with different abilities and interests to communicate their understanding in a variety of modes. On videos, comments are tied to a timestamp, making it easier for the instructor and students to reference specific details or to go back and review the original video and the related questions and comments. Comments can also be threaded to encourage more back-and-forth among the commenters.

What can I do with it?

Students and instructors can comment on the primary posted content via text, audio, video, or drawing. Each comment forms another layer added to the timeline of the VoiceThread slide, and additional slides can be added to continue the discussion around other pieces of media.

See University Information Services’ VoiceThread page for more information about the University’s subscription and, by extension, capacities.

How faculty use VoiceThread


Professor Bryan McCann bring together images, sound and text to allow students to move through course material at their own pace.

Public speaking

Professor Kate Al-Shamma’s uses VoiceThread for a “Speech to Explain” assignment in her public speaking course.

Get started

VoiceThread is integrated with Canvas so you can use it as a web-based tool or as an assignment within your Canvas course. Either method is available free to members of the Georgetown community with a Net ID. You can always contact for any other assistance or CNDLS for tips on how to design an assignment in VoiceThread.

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