Why use ShareStream?
Most faculty use ShareStream to make audio and video materials, from short clips to entire films, available to students within the course. But ShareStream also has a student drop box and a media assignment feature. ShareStream is available as a Canvas tool and is integrated with Canvas’s rich text editor and Canvas assignments. It also has a stand-alone portal.
The ShareStream MediaManager presents video and audio in the course in a structured interface, allowing instructors to add collections and folders within the course collection. Instructors can copy media from prior courses, move media, add new media to the course, or request that media be added by the library or the language lab. Using the ShareStream Uploader tool in MediaManager, instructors can also upload and publish media.
ShareStream Pick-n-Play presents a different way to navigate, sort, and search course media. It also includes a media dropbox for student submissions. Students can also create personalized playlists of media favorites.
What can I do with it?
Media assignments
Using Canvas, instructors can create ShareStream media assignments so students can demonstrate mastery of a skill or knowledge of a concept by submitting audio or video to the instructor for assessment. ShareStream assignments are integrated with the Canvas SpeedGrader, Gradebook, and Rubrics.
Flipped content
ShareStream allows students to watch and listen to audio or video before class in connection with an online discussion, quiz, or assignment or to prepare for in-class discussion. Instructors can free up class time for reflection and discussion while students can watch or listen to course materials in their own time, individually or with others.
Get started
See University Information Service’s ShareStream support documentation for general information on how to get started. You can contact the UIS Service Center for technical assistance, request Lauinger Library media reserves be added to ShareStream for your course, or contact CNDLS to request a consultation on teaching with ShareStream.