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S2E4: Tips for Making the Most of the Spring Semester

Throughout the fall semester, students and faculty encountered the challenge of navigating academia amid a global crisis. Striking a balance between delivering effective learning experiences for students and ensuring their safety in the face of Covid-19 exposure has created a unique and challenging environment for faculty in recent months. The fluctuating rates of Covid-19 cases in the United States, coupled with uncertainties surrounding access to Covid-19 vaccinations, have contributed to a sense of ambiguity regarding the timeline for a return to normalcy (Rotoli & Robinson, 2020).

Reflection on successful strategies employed for student well-being during the past semester becomes imperative in devising comprehensive contingency plans and frameworks for an “organized, effective, and timely response” to potential challenges in the upcoming spring semester (Considerations, 2020). This two-part episode features discussions among faculty members at Georgetown University addressing some of the most pressing challenges encountered while teaching during the Fall 2021 semester. In Part I, three faculty members share insights into fostering inclusivity and equity in their classes through the utilization of technology and other strategies. In Part II, five faculty members discuss assessment strategies aimed at mitigating student stress and anxiety.


Part I:

Part II:


Considerations for reopening institutions of Higher Education … - ACHA. Considerations for Reopening Institutions of Higher Education for the Spring Semester 2021. (2020, December 29).

Robinson, K., & Rotoli, A. (2020, November 29). Four guiding principles for preparing to reopen campuses for the spring semester (opinion). Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs.

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