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Areas of inquiry at CNDLS

We collaborate on projects around learning with faculty, academic staff, and external partners. Given our mission, we’re especially interested in investigating changing paradigms in teaching and learning. How is learning changing? How can we harness—or help shape—that change to improve student learning?

We are especially active in the following areas of inquiry:

What we’re learning about learning

When the pandemic moved the campus community online, we ramped up our assessment efforts to understand how students and faculty were feeling and how they were experiencing the learning process during this unprecedented time. The insights we gathered were incredibly valuable, and we wanted to share them widely. And with that, the What We’re Learning About Learning podcast was created.

The podcast’s focus now, years later, is on giving voice to students and faculty as they reflect on their experiences in the classroom across several dimensions of teaching and learning. While our first episodes capture the remote learning moment, the show evolved to include the brick-and-mortar learning experience again. In the podcast’s four seasons, we’ve covered topics ranging from anti-racist pedagogy to experiential learning to religious and spiritual diversity in the classroom—and more.

Listen on Spotify

Scholarship by CNDLS staff

For 20 years, we’ve published and presented our work as part of our commitment to public scholarship. View a collection of scholarship by CNDLS staff over the last eight years below.

See scholarship by CNDLS staff

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning landscape

Many of our staff at CNDLS bring classroom teaching experience plus research backgrounds in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), the systematic exploration of student learning in higher education. Dozens of journals publish research on teaching practices, which we can help you navigate as a reader or publisher.

To find more research on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, or to explore places for publishing your own research, consult our list of peer-reviewed SoTL journals or you can search this catalog for SoTL journals by discipline. We’ve also identified resources from peer institutions that showcase effective teaching approaches.

Connect with us about your work

If we can help you take the next step with your own research and scholarship on teaching and learning, please let us know. We’re happy to discuss it with you.

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