McWilliams, M. & Riley, J.B. (2024, January). Roundtable Discussion on Faculty Well-being. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC.
Back to top arrow_upward2023
Alexander, B. (2023). Universities on Fire: Higher Education in the Age of Climate Crisis. Johns Hopkins University Press. https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/title/12668/universities-fire
Audette D.S., Bennett S., Chan M.C., Chapman D., Elmendorf H. and Floyd J. (2023). Building an inclusive community of learners by centering a strong culture of care in large lecture classes. Front. Educ. 8:1167879. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/educationarticles/10.3389/feduc.2023.1167879/full>
Bessette, L.S. (2023), This Isn’t Another Piece on ChatGPT. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 32: 11-12. https://doi.org/10.1002/ntlf.30359
Bessette, L. S. (2023). Digital Redlining, Minimal Computing, and Equity. In S. Köseoğlu, G. Veletsianos & C. Rowell (Eds.), Critical Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education. Athabasca University Press. doi.org/10.15215/aupress/9781778290015.01
Chehak, M., Ebenbach, D. (Forthcoming 2023/4). Recentering Relationships: What We Learned from Building Closeness at a Distance. In M. Debelius, J. Kim, E. Maloney (Eds.), Recentering Learning. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Debelius, M., Kim, J., Maloney, E. (Eds.) (Forthcoming 2023/4). Recentering Learning. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Drew, J., Morgan, W., Galindo, S., Kleinschmit, A.J., McWilliams, M., Pauley, M., Triplett, E.W., Williams, J.J., Murdoch, B. & Rosenwald, A.G. (2023). Revisiting Barriers to Implementation of Bioinformatics into Life Sciences Education. Frontiers in Education, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2023.1317191.
Ebenbach, D. (2023). “Maine Medical Center.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 329(1): 100.
Back to top arrow_upward2022
Bessette, L. S. (Ed.) (2022). Affective Labor and Alt-Ac Careers: Rethinking Careers, Rethinking Academia. University Press of Kansas. https://kansaspress.ku.edu/9780700632985/affective-labor-and-alt-ac-careers/
Bessette, L.S. (2022), Learning That Matters Balances Research and Advice. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 31: 10-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/ntlf.30316
Bessette, L.S. (2022). Remembering Access. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 32: 11-12. https://doi.org/10.1002/ntlf.30353
Bessette, L.S. (2022). U.S. Research Institutions. In K. Pelletier, M. McCormack, J. Reeves, et al., 2022 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report, Teaching and Learning Edition.
Burtis, M., Haarstad, N., Reingold, J., Shaffer, K., Bessette, L. S., Stommel, J. and Morris, S. M. (2022). Rethinking Social Knowledge Creation in the Liberal Arts: The History and Future of Domain of One’s Own. In Aaron Mauro (Ed.), Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities. Iter Press.
Debelius, M., Hisman Lubreski, K., McWilliams, M., Olsen, J. Skallerup Bessette, L., and Vovides, Y. (2022). Ignatian Pedagogy Online. In E. Mikulec, T. Ramalho (Eds.), Enacting Critical Pedagogy Online. Peter Lang. DOI: 10.3726/b19369
Ebenbach, D. (2022).”All of This Is Water.” In Wish, M. & Coffee, E., eds. Coolest American Stories 2022. Coolest Stories Press.
Ebenbach, D. (2022). “Limbo.” in Wish, M. & Coffee, E., eds. Shapers of Worlds Volume III. Shadowpaw Press.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). How Universities Should Think About the Warren OPM Letter. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). 3 Questions About Georgetown University’s New Bachelor Completion Degree on Coursera. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). Q&A With Scott Jeffe on RNL’s 2022 Online Student Recruitment Report. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). 3 Questions for Noodle’s Chief Program Officer, Stephen Green. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). 3 Reasons Why We Joined the Noodle Advisory Board, Stephen Green. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). Yale’s CTL Leadership: The importance of the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). Toward a Statement of Principles for Nonprofit/For-Profit Educational Partnerships, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). 3 Questions for Katherine Mercieca, Graduate Student at U-M, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). 3 Questions for Susan Aldridge, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). 3 Questions for Michael Graham on his Dissertation on OPMs, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). 3 Questions for Jacob Aguinaga, Learning Experience Designer at U-M, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). 3 Questions for Duke Learning Innovation’s Kim Manturuk, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2022). A New Way to Talk About New Books About Academic Innovation, Inside Higher Ed.
Debelius, M. (2022, April). Virtual Networking. Presented at Princeton University Graduate Alumni networking event.
Credentials and positions
Bessette, L. S., Editor. The National Teaching & Learning Forum.
Back to top arrow_upward2021
Bass, R., Alexander, B., et al. (2021). Openings: Higher Education’s Challenge to Change in the Face of the Pandemic, Inequity and Racism. Higher Ed’s Big Rethink Project. Georgetown University’s Program in Learning, Design and Technology. https://bit.ly/rethink-openings
Bessette, L.S. (2021), Making Time for Radical Rest. Women in Higher Education, 30: 11-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/whe.21000
Bessette, L.S. (2021), Applying Universal Design to Our Workplaces. Women in Higher Education, 30: 9-14. https://doi.org/10.1002/whe.21038
Bessette, L.S. (2021), Call It What It Is: Emotional Labor. Women in Higher Education, 30: 11-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/whe.21050
Bessette, L.S. (2021), Designing for the New Normal. Women in Higher Education, 30: 11-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/whe.21063
Bessette, L. S. (2021). You Can Ask for Mental-Health Help, but Can You Find Any? The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://wwwchronicle.com/article/you-can-ask-for-mental-health-help-but-can-you-find-any>
Bessette, L. S. (2021). A chance to make pedagogy matter. National Teaching & Learning Forum 30(2): 8-10. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/8918376056
Bessette, L. S. & McGowan, S. (2021). Affective Labor and Faculty Development: COVID-19 and Dealing with the Emotional Fallout. Journal on Centers for Teaching and Learning, 12.
Bessette, L. S. (2021, January). Same covid stress, different benefits. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://bit.ly/lsb-2021-stress
Bessette, L. S.(2021, November 16). Book Review: Teaching Machines: The History of Personalized Learning, by Audrey Watters. Recursive: SoTL in Progress. https://sites.gsu.edu/cetlsotl/2021/11/16/teaching-machines-by-audrey-watters/
Bessette, L. S. (2021). SoTL and Traditional Media. In N. Chick and J. Friberg (Eds.), Going Public Reconsidered Engaging With the World Beyond Academe Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Stylus Publishing. https://styluspub.presswarehouse.com/browse/book/9781642671896/Going-Public-Reconsidered#desc
Bessette, L.S. (2021), Just Because We Can Doesn’t Mean We Should. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 30: 5-7. https://doi.org/101002/ntlf.30277>
Bessette, L.S. (2021), Finding Hope and Looking Ahead to Fall 2021. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 30: 8-9. https://doi.org/101002/ntlf.30287>
Bessette, L.S. (2021), Navigating Trauma and the Return to Campus. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 30: 10-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/ntlf.30295
Bessette, L.S. (2021), Staying Connected, Respecting Privacy. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 30: 9-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/ntlf.30302
Bessette, L.S. (2021), The Dangers of Teaching Machines Then and Now. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 31: 10-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/ntlf.30308
Debelius, M., Eason, Al, Maciel, A., McGowan, S. & Reid, C. (2021). ‘Things are different now’: A student, staff, and faculty course design institute collaboration. In Resilient Pedagogy: Practical Teaching Strategies to Overcome Distance, Disruption, and Distraction. Utah State University Press.
Debelius, M. and Mooney, S. (2021). Innovation in a time of crisis: A networked approach to faculty development. Journal on Centers for Teaching and Learning, 12. http://bit.ly/sm-md-2021-innov
Debelius, M., McGowan, S., Maciel, A., Reid, C., & Eason, A. (2021). “Things are Different Now” A Student, Staff, and Faculty Course Design Institute Collaboration. In Thurston, T. N., Lundstrom, K., & González, C. (Eds.), Resilient Pedagogy: Practical Teaching Strategies to Overcome Distance, Disruption, and Distraction. (pp. 272-288). Utah State University. https://doi.org/10.26079/a516-fb24
Ebenbach, D. (2021). How to Mars: a novel. San Francisco: Tachyon Publications.
Ebenbach, D. (2021). What’s Left to Us by Evening: a poetry collection. Asheville, NC: Orison Books.
Maloney, E. (2021, February). Guest Speaker on Getting to the Bottom of It: The Pandemic’s Impact on Higher Education. GW Hatchet Podcast. http://bit.ly/ejm-2021-gwhatchet
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021, January). Learning from COVID-19. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021). 3 Questions for Adam Croom on OU’s Now Fully Remote Office of Digital Learning, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021). How Duke Learning Innovation Evolved Where and How the Team Works, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021). In Defense of the Master’s Degree, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021). Should You Get That Ph.D.?, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021). External Partnerships and Higher Ed’s Mission of Critical Analysis, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021). A Remote Work Continuum Framework, Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021). Learning From COVID-19: Looking to the post-pandemic university., Inside Higher Ed.
McGowan, S. (2021). Digital learning for transfer students: From definition to applicable possibilities. In Gardner, J., Rosenberg, M. & Koch, A. (Eds.), The Transfer Experience. http://bit.ly/mcg2021-transfer
Mooney, S. and Do, Y. (2021). Variation awaiting bias: Substantively biased learning of vowel harmony variation. Journal of Child Language.
Syverson, E., King, J., Sun, Y., Vovides, Y. (2021). Scripting Lectures, a Metacognitive Process. Improve with Metacognition.
Vovides, Y. (2021). A faculty development approach to support metacognitive awareness during course adaptation. Improve with Metacognition.
Vovides, Y. (Ed.). (2021). Learning Design Analytics [Blog Mini-series]. Improve with Metacognition. http://bit.ly/3kmFTuJ
Vovides, Y., Selvanadin, M. (2021). Metacognitive design to support metacognitive learning. Improve with Metacognition.
Ding, Z. (2021). Utilizing instructional design methodologies and learning analytics to encourage metacognition. Improve with Metacognition.
Debelius, M., Eason, A., Maciel, A., McGowan, S. & Reid, C. (2021, February). ‘Things are different now’: A student, staff, and faculty course design institute collaboration. Presented at ISSOTL 2021 (virtual). http://bit.ly/md-et-al-2021-issotl
Debelius, M. (2021, April). The Postacademic Career Search During the Pandemic. Presented at Davidson University Postdoc Conference.
Debelius, M. & Le, L. (2021, June). Ignatian by design. Poster session presented at AJCU Commitment to Justice (virtual).
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2021, February). 15 Scenarios. Keynote presentation at Graduate and Online Innovation Summit. http://bit.lyejm-2021-gosummit>
Credentials & Positions
McGowan, S. Associate Editor. Teaching, Learning and Inquiry Journal. Official journal of the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL).
Ohnona, M. PhD in Media and Communications, University of London, Goldsmiths College (UK). Defended February 2021, graduation upcoming.
Back to top arrow_upward2020
Bessette, L. S., Chick, N. & Friberg, J. (2020, May). 5 myths about remote teaching in the COVID-19 crisis. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-myths
Bessette, L. S. (2020, March). A guide to online teaching in the humanities. Published in Bringing Your Course Online, a set of resources compiled by the MLA. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-guide
Bessette, L. S. (2020, May). Affective labor and COVID-19: The second wave. Educause Review. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-affective2
Bessette, L. S. (2020, March). Affective labor: The need for, and cost of, workplace equanimity. Educause Review. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-affective
Bessette, L. S. (2020, July). Can you teach a ‘transformative’ humanities course online? Chronicle of Higher Education. http://bit.lylsb-2020-transformative>
Bessette, L. S. (2020, September). It takes a village: The importance of staff for digital learning. National Teaching and Learning Forum 29(5): 5-6. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/8656689201
Bessette, L. S. (2020, March). ‘Pandemic pedagogy’ and online learning amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Podcast in Higher Ed Now. http://bitly/lsb-2020-pandemic>
Bessette, L. S. (2020). Social media, service, and the perils of scholarly affect. In Stommel, J., Friend, C. & Morris, S. (Eds.), Critical Digital Pedagogy: A Collection. Pressbooks. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1184049891
Bessette, L. S. (2020, September). Staff get little to no say in campus governance. That must change. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-governance
Bessette, L. S. (2020, June). Taking care: Creating meaningful online learning. Inside Higher Ed. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-takingcare
Bessette, L. S. (2020, January). Teaching home. Inside Higher Ed. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-teachinghome
Bessette, L. S. (2020). Teaching online in extraordinary times. The Modernist Review. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-times
Bessette, L. S. (2020). Technology can’t make things fair. National Teaching & Learning Forum 30(1): 5-6. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/8872915666
Bessette, L. S. (2020). The past is always present: Social media and survival. In Gray-Rosendale, L. (Ed.), Me Too, Feminist Theory, and Surviving Sexual Violence in the Academy. Lexington Books. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-past
Bessette, L. S. (2020, October). The staff are not OK. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-staff
Bessette, L. S. (2020, December). Where are the career paths for staff on campus? Chronicle of Higher Education. http://bit.lylsb-2020-paths>
Bessette, L. S. (2020). View from Venus. Cohost of ongoing podcast. https://the-view-from-venus.simplecast.com/
Debelius, M., Huisman Lubreski, K., Maloney, E., McWilliams, M. Olsen, J. Skallerup Bessette, L., Vovides, Y. (2020). Ignatian pedagogy as a critical framework for online course design. In E. Mikulek & T. Ramalho (Eds.), Best Practices in Teaching Critical Pedagogy Online. DIO Press, Inc.
Debelius, M., Linkon, S., & Pavesich, M. Failing forward: Writing, design and organic curricular change. In P. Moxley, W. Moner, and R. Pope-Roark (Eds.), Redesigning the Liberal Arts.
Debelius, M. & Mooney, S. (2020). Innovation in a time of crisis: A net-worked approach to faculty development. Journal on Centers for Teaching and Learning, 12: 46-67. https://openjournal.lib.miamioh.edu/index.php/jctl/article/view/209
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020). The Low Density University. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020). Interviewee in DeVaney, J., Innovation Perspectives: A Conversation with Josh Kim of Darmouth and Eddie Maloney of Georgetown University. http://bit.ly/ejm-devaney-perspectives
Maloney, E. (2020, April). Interviewee in Watanbe, T., How Coronavirus Could Change College Life. LA Times. http://bit.ly/ejm-latimes
Maloney, E. (2020, April). Interviewee in Jaschik, S., Colleges Could Lose 20% of Students. Inside Higher Ed. http://bit.lyejm-colleges-students>
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Cited extensively in 6 Ways College Might Look Different in the Fall. NPR. http://bit.ly/ejm-npr
Maloney, E. (2020, May). Interviewee on Univision News. http://bit.ly/ejm-unews
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Interviewee on The #NewNormal in Higher Ed: Fall Scenarios. Tambellini Group. https://youtu.betZ2G-n9_-CY>
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). What’s Going to Happen at Colleges This Fall? Here are 15 Scenarios. PBS NewsHour. http://bit.lyejm-pbsnewshour>
Maloney, E. (2020, June). Quoted in Tech After COVID-19: What Comes Next? Boston Globe. http://bit.ly/ejm-techafter
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020). Cited extensively in Haber, J., review of Learning Innovation the Future of Higher Education. New Books Network. http://bit.ly/ejm-jk-newbooks
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020). Interviewees in Jeffe, S., The Low Density University: Edward Maloney and Joshua Kim Discuss Higher Ed Scenarios. Ruffalo Noel Levitz. http://bit.ly/ejm-rnl
Maloney, E. (2020, October). Interviewee in Leader in Innovative Learning Prepares Georgetown for New Methods in Education. Georgetown University News. http://bit.ly/ejm-leader-gu
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, February). Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education Part 1. Podcast on Digital2Learn. http:/bit.ly/ejm-jk-d2l-1>
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, February). Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education Part 2. Podcast on Digital2Learn. http:/bit.ly/ejm-jk-d2l-2>
Maloney, E. (2020, February). Interviewee in Young, J. (Author), A Case for Educational Innovation without ‘Disruption.’ EdSurge. http://bit.ly/ejm-interview-disruption
Maloney, E. (2020, October). Quoted in Green, K., Reopening College During a Pandemic: A Labor Perspective. Union Track. https://wwwuniontrack.com/blog/reopening-college>
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, November). Guest speakers on Episode 11-24-2020. Busted Pencils. http://bit.ly/ejm-jk-bustedpencils
Maloney, E. (2020). Interviewee in Donahoe, J. (Author), Four Questions about Technology-Enhanced Learning at Georgetown. Georgetown Magazine. http://bit.ly/ejm-georgetownmag
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020). Interviewees in Podcast Episode 086. Leading Lines. http://bit.ly/ejm-leadinglines
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, February). We Wrote a Book. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, February). How Technology is Not Changing the Future of Higher Education. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, March). The OPM Industry, Concordia University, and COVID-19. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, March). An Unprecedented Challenge. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, April). The Pandemic and the Turn to Learning. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, April). The Low-Density University. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, April). 15 Fall Scenarios. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, April). Fall Scenario #2: A Late Start. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, April). Fall Scenario #3: Moving Fall to Spring. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, April). Fall Scenario #4: First-Year Intensive. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, April). Fall Scenario #5: Graduate Students Only. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, April). Fall Scenario #7: Targeted Curriculum. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Fall Scenario #8: Split Curriculum. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Fall Scenario #9: A Block Plan. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Fall Scenario #10: Modularity. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Fall Scenario #11: Students in Residence, Learning Virtually. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Fall Scenario #12: A Low-Residency Model. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Fall Scenario #13: A HyFlex Model. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Fall Scenario #14: A Modified Tutorial. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Fall Scenario #15: Fully Remote. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Contextualizing the 15 Fall Scenarios. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Applied Scholarship During a Pandemic. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). The Challenge of Equity in Higher Education Under COVID-19. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Thinking About Place in Higher Education Under COVID-19. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). Learning and COVID-19. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, May). How Can We Talk About the Fall Right Now? Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, June). Preparing for the Fall. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, June). Learning Science and Higher Education Change. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, June). Learning in 2050. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, June). Advice to Those Starting a PhD Program in the Fall. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, June). How to Think About Graduate School. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, December). Q&A About ‘Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education.’ Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, January). 4 Models for Campus Learning Organizations. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, February). “Academia Next” Reviewing the Future of Higher Education. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, February). Answering the Question “Who leads in Collegue learning?“. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, January). 4 Worries About Higher Education in the 2020s. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020, January). Disruptive Innovation, Higher Ed and the Legacy of Clayton M. Christensen. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2020). Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education. Johns Hopkins University Press.
McGowan, S., Wilson, S.P., Phillips, J.C., Meskhidze, H. Lockard, C.A., Felten, P., & Block-Schulman, S. (2020, January). From novelty to norm: Moving beyond exclusion and the double justification problem in student partnerships. Center for Engaged Learning. doi.org/10.36284/celelon.oa2
Ohnona, M., Sihite, E. Olsen, J. & Chan, M.C.. Inclusive STEM courses: Case studies on different strategies. In Designing student-centered classrooms for equity and inclusion across disciplines. University of Cincinnati Press.
Olson, M. & Maurath, K. (2020). Evaluating the learning experience. Teaching with Digital Tools and Apps EdTech Books. http://bit.ly/olson-2020-evaluating
Bessette, L. S., Bernhagen, L., Diede, M. & Dalgleish, M. (2020, May). Affective labor under COVID-19. Presented as part of the Educause Webinar Series. http://bit.ly/lsb-2020-affective3
Lewis, J. S., Day, C., & Kilcarr, P. (2020). Faculty-staff collaboration for integrating well-being into the classroom: Strategies and lessons learned from Georgetown University’s Engelhard Project. Presentation at the UC San Diego Winter Wellness Symposium in San Diego, CA.
Lucas, N. & Lewis, J. S. (2020). Taking institutional commitments to student well-being to scale_._ Presented at the AAC&U Annual Meeting, Pre-Conference Symposium: Learning to Thrive: The Invisible Skills That Foster Student Success, in Washington, DC.
Maloney, E. (2020, September). Conversation with Georgetown University President DeGioia. Georgetown Now. https://youtu.be/NbfgeM6ax-s
McGowan, S., Felten, P. & Flanagan, C. (2020, January). What’s so great about intro courses? Presented at the American Historical Association conference (virtual). http://bit.ly/mcg2020-historical
McGowan, S., Kift, S., Turner, L., Williams, C., Piper, R. & Byrom, N. Academic culture and student mental health (panel). Presented at Student Mental Health Research network Virtual Conference (virtual). http://bit.ly/mcg2020-health
McGowan, S., Linkon, S., Adler-Kassner, L. & Safronova, M. (2020, November). Pandemic learning: Using stories to capture and build on faculty learning (panel). Presented at PODNetwork (virtual). http://bit.ly/mcg2020-pod
Credentials & Positions
Bessette, L. S. Committee on Information Technology, Modern Language Association. Named 2020.
Bessette, L. S. Delegate Assembly, Modern Language Association. Named 2020.
Ding, Z. Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, Project Management Institute. Granted December 2020.
Mooney, S. PhD in Linguistics, Georgetown University. Defended February 2020, graduated August 2020.
Back to top arrow_upward2019
Bessette, L. S. (2019). Contingency, staff, anxious pedagogy — and love. Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 19(3).
Bessette, L. S. (2019). On podcasting. In UVenus on Inside Higher Ed.
Bessette, L. S. (2019). This is (not) a game: The adjunct experience as playable fiction. Journal of Creative Writing Studies, 4(1).
Bessette, L. S. (2020). View from Venus. Cohost of ongoing podcast. https://the-view-from-venus.simplecast.com/
Bessette, L. S. (2019). What do you do with 11,000 blogs? Preserving, archiving, and maintaining UMW Blogs—A case study. Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (15).
Lemus, L. & Syverson, E. (2018, April). Developing an interactive syllabus. Presented at the Online Learning Consortium Innovate (OLC).
Lewis, J. S. & Woodruff, A. L. (2019, August). Integrating Wellbeing into the Classroom: Faculty-Staff Collaborations to Support Student Mental Health. Presented during JED Campus Webinar.
Maloney, E. & Kim J. (2019, March/April). OPMs are Losing the Battle for Hearts and Minds. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. & Kim J. (2019, March/April). __Social media, learning innovation and comedy clubs. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, April). Argument, Debate and Learning Innovation: The argument against consensus. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, April). Learning Innovation, Consultants and Scholarship: Locating the experts. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, April). Learning Innovation, Scholarship and the Carey Article: Three requirements for academic research on the online program management industry. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, April). Why We Disagree on OPMs: And why starting with different assumptions can be productive for collaborative scholarship. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, August). Learning to Play Guitar in the Digital Age: Why technology makes the professor more important. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, August). The Meaning of 14 New Digital Learning Job Openings at Michigan: Chatting with U of M’s James DeVaney about the growth of opportunities in the world of academic innovation. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, August). Worrying Over a Digital Learning Pigeonhole: Academic life beyond the intersection of technology and learning. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, December). Productive Tension in Campus Learning Organizations. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, July). How Do You Conference?: Updating a statement of principles. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, July). Low-Cost Online Master’s Program Debate Between Josh and Eddie: Arguing about what the graduate degrees from edX and Coursera really mean. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, July). Should Academic Freedom Extend to Non-Faculty Academics?: Updating a statement of principles. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, June). Building a Learning Innovation Network: How scholars working at the intersection of learning science, technology, and institutional change connect and collaborate. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, June). Digital Learning Leaders and the Demographic Reckoning: Two areas of strategic impact. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, June). Intellectual Property and Digital Learning: Developing a campus strategy. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, June). The 4 Things Every Digital Learning Leader Should Know: Domains of knowledge that are independent of the decision to pursue a Ph.D. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, March). Arguments for a New Field of Learning Innovation: Continuing the conversation we started last week, we offer a response to Anthony Piña. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, March). Learning Innovation: Ph.D. or Ed.D.?: The choice of terminal degrees for the interdisciplinary academic field imagined by Eddie Maloney and Josh Kim. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, March). Rethinking Professional Development for Learning Professionals: From conversation to scholarship. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, May). Public Higher Ed Funding and Learning Innovation: Establishing the cornerstone values of an emerging interdisciplinary academic field. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, November). The ‘Uncharted Territory’ Update to the Stanford 2025 Project. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, November). Why We Will Not Use the Term ‘Internal OPM’ in 2020. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, October). Critical Digital Learning Scholarship and Higher Ed Insiders: Advantages and Challenges. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, October). Digital Learning, Scholarship and Social Media. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, October). How Universities Can Avoid Learning Innovation Theater. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, October). Making Sense of Michigan’s $50 Million Commitment to Academic Innovation. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, October). The Golden Age of Teaching and Learning Hypothesis. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, September). Higher Ed Through a Learning Innovation Lens: Beyond digital learning. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, September). Learning Innovation, From Professional Practice to Scholarly Endeavor: Some more thoughts from HAIL at SNHU. Inside Higher Ed.
Maloney, E. and Kim, J. (2019, September). Precarious Faculty and Our Digital Learning Community: What we don’t talk about when we talk about digital learning. Inside Higher Ed.
Mathur, V., Arora, G. S., McWilliams, M., Russell, J., Rosenwald, A. G. (2019). The Genome Solver Project: Faculty training and student performance gains in bioinformatics. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 20(1).
Vovides, Y., & Lemus, L. R. (Eds.) (2019). Optimizing Instructional Design Methods in Higher Education. IGI Global.
Bessette, L. S. and Ellsworth, Randal. (2019). Embedded in the fabric: Georgetown Domains and the Master’s of Learning, Design, and Technology. Presentation conducted at the Domains ‘19 Conference in Durham, NC.
Boston, B. & Chavez, J. L. (2019, May). Approaches to promoting student engagement using a learning management system. Symposium conducted at the Lilly Conference on Designing Effective Teaching in Bethesda, MD.
Ding, Z. (2019). Utilizing data to empower creative and inclusive teaching strategies—Rethinking survey tools for innovative learning environments. Presentation at the Online Learning Consortium in Orlando, FL.
Eatman, T., Lewis, J. S., & Salins, C. (2019). Well-being and the equity imperative_._ Workshop presented at the AAC&U Diversity, Equity, and Student Success Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
Lemus, L. & Camus, P. (2019, February). __A look into basic and higher language cognition in heritage language speakers of Spanish. Symposium conducted at the 6th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language (NSSHL) __in McAllen, TX.
Njaka, I., Ohnona, M., Lewis J. S. (2019, January). Building an anti-racist institution: Examining Beverly Daniel Tatum’s “Moving walkway of racism.” Symposium conducted at the Strengthening our Inclusive Community Conference in Washington, DC.
Olsen, J. (2019, May). __Political transparency in the classroom: Student autonomy and faculty authenticity. Symposium conducted at the Lilly Conference on Designing Effective Teaching __in Bethesda, MD.
Olsen, J. & Ebenbach, D. (2019, January). __Implicit bias in our work: Understanding and countering our hidden assumptions. Symposium conducted at the Strengthening our Inclusive Community Conference in Washington, DC.
Sihite, E. & Lewis, J. S. (2019, January). __Re-orienting our orientation to working with minoritized students: A community cultural wealth approach. Symposium conducted at the Strengthening our Inclusive Community Conference in Washington, DC.
Back to top arrow_upward2018
Bessette, L. S. (2018). Adjuncts, staff, and solidarity: An essay. MLA Profession.
Bessette, L. S. (2018). Being myself online: A personal reflection on professional
growth on and through Twitter and blogging. In K. Lindner (Ed.), Managing Your Professional Identity Online: A Guide for Faculty, Staff, and Administrators. Stylus.
Bessette, L. S. (2018). Digital fluency. Digital Pedagogy Lab website.
Bessette, L. S. (2018). The (unnecessarily) long and winding road. In J. Fruscione & K. Baker (Eds.), Succeeding Outside the Academy: Career Paths
beyond the Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM, 105-114. University of Kansas Press.
Bessette, L. S. (2018). W(h)ither DH? New tensions, directions, and evolutions in
the digital humanities essay. In D. Kim & J. Stommel (Eds.), Disrupting the Digital Humanities.
Punctum Books
Ebenbach, D. (2018). The Guy We Didn’t Invite to the Orgy. University of Massachusetts Press.
Valtin, L., McWilliams, M., Ebenbach, D. (2018). Well-being in the curriculum. Conversations Magazine, 53(29), 15-17.
Presentations and interviews
Debelius, M. (2018, January). Response to a Public Humanities PhD Proposal. __Presented at the Modern Language Association annual convention in New York, NY.
Debelius, M., Maloney, E. (2018, November). Be the change: Launching a graduate program for faculty developers and designers. Presented at the Pod Network Conference in Portland, OR.
Kaltman, S., Talisman, N., Pennestri, S., Syverson, E., Arthur, P., Vovides Y. (2018). Using technology to enhance teaching of patient-centered interviewing for early medical students. Simulation in Healthcare, 13(3). doi:10.1097/SIH.0000000000000304.
Lemus, L. & Syverson, E. (2018, April). Developing an interactive syllabus. Symposium conducted at OLC Innovate in Nashville, TN.
McGraw, K. (2018, November). Online student engagement: Selecting tools for asynchronous online courses. Symposium conducted at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado.
McWilliams, M. (2018, November). Connecting life and learning: Designing courses to address well-being. Symposium on Academic Resilience in Higher Education, in Philadelphia, PA.
McWilliams, M., Ebenbach, D. & Bullock, E. (2018, June). Engaging and supporting the whole student: Well-being in the classroom. Presented at the Lilly Conference on Designing Effective Teaching in Bethesda, MD.
Njaka, I. (2018, June). Pecha kucha: On decolonization of the mind & prince. Symposium conducted at the National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education in New Orleans, LA.
Njaka, I. (2018, November) How might we help faculty of color at historically white institutions engage with the historical lineage of educators of color? Professional and Organizational Development Network Conference in Portland, OR.
Vovides, Y. (2018, April). What’s in a learning analytics course? A program’s story. Presentation at Learning Analytics Summit in Bloomington, IN.
Vovides, Y. (2018, June). Partnering with faculty in the design process: Approaches to faculty partnership. Panel at UPCEA’s 2018 Summit for Online Leadership and Administration + Roundtable in Washington, DC.
Vovides, Y. (2018, May). Enhancing effectiveness of collaborative teams by engaging individual motivation. Pre-conference workshop at National Organization of Research Development Professionals Annual Conference in Washington, DC.
Vovides, Y., Lemus, L. R. (2018) Optimizing instructional design methods in higher education. IGI Global.
Back to top arrow_upward2017
Buckingham Shum, S., Sándor, Ágnes, Goldsmith, R., Bass, R., & McWilliams, M. (2017). Towards reflective writing analytics: Rationale, methodology and preliminary results. Journal of Learning Analytics, 4(1), 58–84. doi:10.18608/jla.2017.41.5
Ebenbach, D. (2017, December 7). Take the Time to Reflect. The Hoya.
Ebenbach, D. (2017) Crossing the Divide. Inside Higher Ed.
Ebenbach, D. (2017) Miss Portland. Orison Books.
Kruse A., Pongratz H. (2017) Digital Change: How MOOCs Transform the Educational Landscape. In H. Ellermann, P. Kreutter, W. Messner (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Managing Continuous Business Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan.
Maloney, E. (2017, March). Featured in Kim, J. (Author), When a CTL Stewards a Master’s in Learning and Design. Inside Higher Ed. http://bit.ly/ejm-whenactl
Myers, A., Whitney, J., Vovides, Y., Pennestri, S., Korula, R., & Mulroney, S. (2017). Teaching in a flipped classroom within an established medical and graduate curriculum: Evaluation of modalities. INTED2017 Proceedings. doi:10.21125/inted.2017.1626
Presentations and Interviews
Baynes, B. (2017, November). From research to (virtual) reality: Uses for AR/VR/MR in education, institutions and enterprise. Presented at the Government Video Expo, Washington DC.
Cameron, D. & Lubkin-Chavez, J. (2017, February). Promoting medical student wellness using a hybrid online curriculum. Presented at the Annual Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education, Anaheim, CA.
Debelius, M. (2017, April). The humanities unleashed. Invited talk at Johns Hopkins University English Department, Baltimore, MD.
Debelius, M. (2017, January). What is the future of faculty development? Presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Debelius, M. (2017, March). Fumbling through and figuring it out: Design thinking and first-year writing. Presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, OR.
Debelius, M. (2017, November). Studio learning in the writing classroom. Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Debelius, M. (2017, October). Exploring (in) the studio: Teaching and learning in studio courses across the curriculum. Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Ebenbach, D., Flann, K., Lewis, J., and Moss, W. (December, 2016). Self-authorship in the writing classroom: Helping our students find themselves [Online roundtable]. Sundress Publications online blog.
Huisman Lubreski, K. Workman, S. and L.Lemus. (2017, April). Applying QM standards to online design and development: A two-prong approach. Presented at the Quality Matters (QM) Regional Conference, New York, NY.
Lemus, L. (2017, March). Translanguaging & multilingual identity on Facebook. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR.
Maloney, E. (2017, June). Interviewee in Kim, J., Georgetown’s CNDLS and the History of the Integrated CTL. Inside Higher Ed. http://bit.ly/ejm-history-integrated
Myers, A., Whitney, J., Vovides, Y., Pennestri, S., & Mulroney, S. (2017, March). Teaching in a flipped classroom within an established medical and graduate curriculum: Evaluation of modalities. Presented at INTED2017: 11th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.
Back to top arrow_upward2016
Debelius, M. (2016, February). A funny thing happened on the way to assessment. In Eble, M., Sharer, W., Morse, T, & Banks, W. (Eds.), Re/Claiming Accountability: Improving Writing Programs through Accreditation and Large-Scale Assessments. Utah State University Press.
Maloney, E. (2016, December). Interviewee in Cortez, M. B. (Author), Q&A: Georgetown University’s Eddie Maloney Helps Pave the Way for the Future of Ed Tech. EdTech Magazine. http://bit.ly/ejm-paveway
Maloney, E. (2016, November). Interviewee in DePaul, K. (Author), Edtech + Academia: Two Worlds Collide? Educause Review. http://bit.ly/ejm-edtech
Maloney, E. (2016, September). Interviewee in Raths, D. (Author), Why It’s Time for Education Technology to Become an Academic Discipline. Campus Technology. http://bit.ly/ejm-2016-newdisc
Mulroney, S., Whitney, J., Vovides, Y., Pennestri, S., & Myers, A. (2016). Effectiveness of the flipped classroom in an established medical and graduate curriculum: The Georgetown Downtown inaugural year. 16EDULearn Proceedings: 7846-7851.
Sigman, B., Selvanadin, M., Garr, W., Pongsajapan, R., McWilliams, M. & Bolling, K. (2016). Visualization of Twitter data in the classroom. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 14(4), 362-381. doi:10.1111/dsji.12108
Vovides, Y. and Inman, S. (2016). Elusive learning—Using learning analytics to support reflective sensemaking of ill-structured ethical problems. Future Internet: eLearning Special Issue. doi:10.3390/fi8020026
Vovides, Y., & Inman, S. (2016). Enabling meaningful certificates from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A data-driven curriculum e-map design model. In S. Reushle, A. Antonio, & M. Keppell (Eds.), Open learning and formal credentialing in higher education: Curriculum models and institutional policies. Information Science Reference.
Presentations and Interviews
Buckingham Shum, S., Sándor, Á., Goldsmith, R., Wang, X., Bass, R., & McWilliams, M. (2016, April). Reflecting on reflective writing analytics: Assessment challenges and iterative evaluation of a prototype tool. Presented at the Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, Edinburgh, UK. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2883851.2883955
Debelius, M. (2016, November). The humanities unleashed. Invited talk at Rutgers University English Department, New Brunswick, NJ.
Debelius, M. & May S. (2016, April). Rethinking Career Preparation for Humanities Ph.D.s. Invited keynote at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate Career Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Debelius, M. Linkon, S, and Pavesich, M. (2016, February). Mapping goals and affordances. Presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities Assessment Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Maloney, E. (2016, May). Interviewee in Straumsheim, Carl (Auth.), Contours of a New Discipline. Inside Higher Ed. http://bit.ly/ejm-contours
Maloney E. (2016, November). Creativity and the arts in MOOCs. Presented at the edX Global Forum, Paris, France.
Maloney, E. (2016, September). Guest speaker in Should Educational Technology Become an Academic Discipline? Alexander, B. (Host), Future Trends Forum. http://bit.ly/ejm-futuretrends
Maloney, E. (2016, November). Interviewee in DePaul, K., Edtech + Academia: Two Worlds Collide? Educause Review. http://bit.lyejm-collide>
Maloney, E. (2016, December). Interviewee in Cortez, M. B., Q&A: Georgetown University’s Eddie Maloney Helps Pave the Way for the Future of Ed Tech. EdTech. http://bit.ly/ejm-pave-way
Maloney, E. (2016, September). Interviewee in Brandt, C., Georgetown University Launches Master’s Degree Program that Focuses on Edtech. University Herald. http://bit.ly/ejm-university-herald
Maloney, E. (2016, January). MyDante: Contemplative reading online. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, Austin, TX.
Maloney, E., Ambrosio, F., Vovides, Y., Selvanadin, M., Kruse, A. & Gonzalez-Capitel, J. (2016, October). Supporting contemplative reading practice online. Poster presented at Learning with MOOCs III: Being and Learning in a Digital Age, Philadelphia, PA.
Maloney, E., and Debelius, M. (2016, February). New designs in teaching and technology-enhanced learning. Presented at the 2016 Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC.
Back to top arrow_upward2015
Basalla, S., & Debelius, M. (2015) “So what are you going to do with that?”: Finding careers outside academia. University of Chicago Press.
Davis, D., Hanacek, J., Myers, A., Mulroney, S., Pennestri, S., & Vovides, Y. (2015). Capturing, tracing, and visualizing the spread of technology-enhanced instructional strategies. In EDULEARN 15 Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 1020-1028.
Debelius, M. & Basalla, S. (2015, April). So what are you going to do with that? The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Ebenbach, D. (2015). We Were The People Who Moved. Tebot Bach.
Maloney, E., & Ambrosio, F. (2015). MyDante: Contemplative reading and hybrid technologies. In C.D. Kloos, P.J. Muñoz-Merino, R.M. Crespo-García, & C. Alario-Hoyos (Eds.), Trends in digital education: Selected papers from EC-TEL 2015 workshops CHANGEE, WAPLA, and HybridEd.
Pennestri, S. (2015). Clicking in the second language (L2) classroom: The effectiveness of type and timing of clicker-based feedback in Spanish L2 development. In Baralt, M. (Ed.), A Psycholinguistic Approach to Technology and Language Learning. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
Vovides, Y. & Inman, S. (2015, August). Enabling meaningful certificates from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A data-driven curriculum e-map design model. In S. Reushle, A. Antonio, & M. Keppell (Eds.), Open Learning and Formal Credentialing in Higher Education: Curriculum Models and Institutional Policies (pp. 79-97). IGI Global International.
Vovides, Y., Youman, T., Arthur, P., Davis, D., Ayo, E., Pongsajapan, R., McWilliams, M., & Kruse, A. (2015). LAK15 Case Study 2: Examining learners’ cognitive presence in Massive Open Online Courses. Learning Analytics Review (LAK 15-2).
Baynes, B. (2015, August). MOOCs and libraries: A brewing collaboration [Webinar]. In the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Webinars.
Baynes, B., Martin, S., Pennestri, S., Russell, J., & Vovides, Y. (2015, April). Our migration experience to an online environment: Challenges, processes, outcomes. Presented at the Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium, Dallas, TX.
Baynes, B., Schoeninger, A., & Walter, R. (2014, June). MOOCs and me: Georgetown’s experience with edX. Presented at the New Media Consortium Summer Conference, Portland, OR.
Debelius, M. (2015, December). So what are you going to do with that? Finding careers outside academia. Keynote Speaker at the CUNY Post Grad (Center) Conference, Putting Your Graduate Skills and Training to Work, New York, NY.
Demaree, D. (2015, July). GeorgetownX goes to high school: AP Physics C: Electricity & magnetism. Presented at the American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, College Park, MD.
Maloney, E. (2015, September). New approaches to technology-enhanced learning. Presented at EdCrunch 2015, Moscow, Russia.
Maloney, E. (2015, September). Technology-enhanced learning: Silver bullet or challenge to learning. Presented at EdCrunch 2015, Moscow, Russia.
Maloney, E. (2015, September). The impact of MOOCs. Presented at HybridEd 2015, Toledo, Spain.
Maloney, E., and Ambrosio, F. (2015, September). MyDante: Contemplative reading in MOOCs. Presented at HybridEd 2015, Toledo, Spain.
Maloney, E. (2015, December). Interviewee in Want to Ward Off Distraction and Develop Empathy? Try Reading Joyce. Reinvent Live Stream. https://youtu.be/DtCEJmhO2rY
Martin, S., Pennestri, S., Russell, J., Baynes, B., & Vovides, Y. (2015, April). Our migration experience to an online environment: Challenges, processes, outcomes. Presented at the Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium, Dallas, TX.
Vovides, Y., McWilliams, M., Pongsajapan, R., Youmans, T., Arthur, P., & Davis, D. (2015, March). Examining learners’ cognitive presence through linguistic analysis in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Presented at the 5th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Back to top arrow_upward2014
Demaree D., Kruse A., Pennestri S., Russell J., Schlafly T., Vovides Y. (2014) From planning to launching MOOCs: Guidelines and tips from GeorgetownX. In G. Vincenti, A. Bucciero, C. Vaz de Carvalho (Eds.), eLEOT 2014: E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training: 68-75.
Frehywot, S., Mullan, F., Vovides, Y., Korhumel, K., Chale, S. B., Infanzon, A., Kiguli-Malwadde, E., and Omaswa, F. (2014). Building communities of practice: MEPI creates a commons. Academic Medicine, 89(8): 45-49. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000349.
Sigman B.P., Garr, W. Pongsajapan, R., Selvanadin, M., Bolling, K., Marsh, G. (2014) Teaching big data: Experiences, lessons learned, and future directions. Decision Line, 45( 1), doi: 10–15. 10.1111/dsji.12108
Vovides, Y., Chale, S.B., Gadhula, R., Kebaetse, M. B., Nigussie, N. A., Suleman, F., Tibyampansha, D., Ibrahim, G. R., Ntabaye, M., Frehywot, S., and Nkomazana, O. (2014). A systems approach to implementation of eLearning in medical education: Five MEPI schools’ journeys. _Academic Medicine (89)_8: 102-106. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000349.
Baynes, B., Schoeninger, A., & Walter, R. (2014, June). MOOCs and me: Georgetown’s experience with edX. Presented at the New Media Consortium Summer Conference, Portland, OR.
Boston B., Regner L., & Pennestri S. (2014, June). Student Producers: Using Social Media Functions In Lecture Capture Software To Create Remixable Learning Content. Presented at the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference, Anchorage, AK.
Demaree, D., Garr, W., & Church, S. (2014, July). The intersection of learning design and game design: A robust strategy for creating effective educational games. Presented at the Physics Education Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Demaree, D., Garr, W., Rostain, T., McWilliams, M., Salah, J., Gaston, T., & Church, S. (2014, October). Developing a robust design strategy for creating an effective educational game: A collaboration of faculty, learning designers, and game developers. Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Annual Conference, Quebec City, Canada.
Demaree, D., Kuhn, K. & Pennestri, S. (2014, October). Creating online learning modules: Attending to student affect and cognition. Presented at the The Teaching Professor Technology Conference, Denver, CO.
Demaree, D., Kuhn, K., Pennestri, S., Regner, L., Russell, J. & Vovides, Y. (2014, October). Intimate online classrooms: Translating face-to-face experiences to online environments. Presented at the The Teaching Professor Technology Conference, Denver, CO.
Haddad, B. R., Russell, J., Pennestri, S., Demaree, D., Tan, M., & Peshkin, B. N. (2014, October). Changing the landscape of genomics education through a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Genomic medicine gets personal. Presented at the American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Janssens, P., Gustafson, N., & Garr, W. (2014, April). Toward a partial hybrid curriculum for Spanish lower level courses. Presented at the Conference on Language, Learning, and Culture, Virginia International University, Fairfax, VA.
Leow, R., Janssens, P., Gustafson, N., Garr, W., & Caras, A. (2014, April). Using CALL for more robust L2 learning: A psycholinguistic approach. Presented at the Conference on Language, Learning, and Culture, Virginia International University, Fairfax, VA.
Maloney, E. (2014, June). Experimenting with technology-enhanced learning. Presented at the edX Global Forum, Delft, The Netherlands.
Maloney, E. (2014, October). Catalyst for change: Experimentation in technology-enhanced learning. Presented at the University of Texas, Arlington, TX.
Meshulam, E. (2014). What have we learned about MOOCs. Presented at the New Media Consortium Summer Conference, Portland, OR.
Sigman, B., Selvanadin, M., Garr, W., Pongsajapan, R., & Bolling, K. (2014, November). Teaching how to integrate real time big data analysis and visualization for better decision making. Presented at the Annual Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Tampa, FL.
Syverson, E., Russell, J., & Pennestri, S. (2014, June). Using video simulation to enhance physician-patient communication. Presented at the New Media Consortium Conference, Portland, OR.
Back to top arrow_upward2013
Frehywot, S., Vovides, Y., Talib, Z., Mikhail, N., Ross, H., Wohltjen, H., Bedada, S., Korhumel, K., Koumare, A. K., & Scott, J. (2013). E-learning in medical education in resource constrained low- and middle-income countries. Human Resources for Health, 11(4). doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-11-4
Walsh, M., Lewis, J. S., & Rakestraw, J. (2013) Faculty collaboration to effectively engage diversity: A collaborative redesign model. American Colleges and University
(AAC&U) Peer Review, 15(1), 21-24.
McWilliams, M. & Riley, J. (2013). Using evidence to promote engaged learning and student well-being. Presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges and Universities, Atlanta, GA.
Back to top arrow_upwardPrior to 2013 (not comprehensive)
Levy, D., Nardick, D., Turner, J., and McWatters, L. (2011). No Cellphone? No Internet? So much less stress. Chronicle of Higher Education, May 8, 2011. https://www.chronicle.com/article/no-cellphone-no-internet-so-much-less-stress/
Pennestri, S., Baralt, M., Selvanadin, M. (2011). Using Wordles to teach foreign language writing. Language Learning and Technology, 15(2), 1-11. https://www.lltjournal.org/item/2731
Russell, J., McWilliams, M., Chasen, L., and Farley, J. Using clickers for clinical reasoning and problem solving. Nurse Educator, 36(1), 13-15. https://journals.lww.com/nurseeducatoronline/Abstract/2011/01000/Using_Clickers_for_Clinical_Reasoning_and_Problem.8.aspx
Ambrosio, F., Maloney, E., Garr, B., and Schlafly, T. MyDante and Ellipsis: Defining the user’s role in a virtual reading community. (2009). Florence. https://www.slideshare.net/CNDLS/mydante-and-ellipsis-defining-the-users-role-in-a-virtual-reading-community
Back to top arrow_upward