Supporting faculty in inclusive pedagogy practices and understanding how to best facilitate productive dialogue have been core areas of CNDLS work for over a decade. We’ve built expertise in these topics through growing the Doyle Engaging Difference Program, which is based on the premise that encountering diverse perspectives in the classroom can enhance student learning.
Many academic units at Georgetown are already deeply engaged in inclusive pedagogical issues through Doyle and other programs. The LEAP Initiative builds on these existing efforts to provide support and resources for those departments, programs, areas, and schools, creating a whole-institution community for learning with and from each other about best practices in inclusive pedagogy.
- Is there a particular project or area of focus you and your colleagues have identified for this work?
- Would you like to be more connected to other faculty who are thinking and working on inclusive pedagogy?
- Do you need support around classroom dynamics, department climate, or pedagogical challenges?
- Could your team benefit from funding and experienced CNDLS facilitators to help support your work?
Please reach out to discuss LEAP!
The LEAP initiative is a partnership with the Doyle Engaging Difference Program.