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Support and funding

CNDLS and other units will be available to support you with departmental conversations, focus groups, sharing of relevant scholarship, strategic design support, facilitation, guest speaker ideas, and more.

Main Campus academic unit(s) will be able to apply for funds up to $10,000 (depending on unit size and needs) over the course of the department’s LEAP work that can be used in a range of ways, including to provide a stipend for the academic unit’s faculty point person for LEAP, hire graduate student administrative support, bring in outside speakers or facilitators, or add to existing resources provided by CNDLS. Depending on the nature of the unit’s goals, additional funding for curricular innovation may be available through the Curriculum Transformation Initiative funded by the Baker Trust.

The LEAP Initiative is sponsored in part by the Doyle Engaging Difference Program and the Baker Trust for Transformative Learning.

The Doyle Program

The LEAP initiative is a partnership with the Doyle Engaging Difference Program.