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Lee Skallerup Bessette headshot

Assistant Director of Digital Learning

PhD, Comparative Literature, University of Alberta

Lee Skallerup Bessette plays a key role in faculty development around ed tech and pedagogy at CNDLS, helping to plan and develop faculty development opportunities, create resources, and pilot innovative tools. She is a regular contributor to Inside Higher Ed, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and ProfHacker. Lee became interested in technology, access, and pedagogy while she was a contingent faculty member at Morehead State University in Kentucky, moved into faculty development at the University of Kentucky, and most recently joined CNDLS from University of Mary Washington, where she worked on their Domain of One’s Own program. Her book, Terms of Service: Affective Labor and Alt-Ac Careers, is forthcoming from University Press of Kansas. Lee was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (yes, she is bilingual and speaks French, and no, she doesn’t have an accent).