Student Interaction

Where can I find information about my students?

Student information for your classes is available through MyAccess. Use your NetID to login. The MyAccess system lists the students in your classes, along with their Georgetown email addresses; photos of students are not provided here, though you can find them on the Canvas page for your class. (Look for “Photo Roster” in your course menu) You can also use the MyAccess interface to view schedules for your classes or to email all of your students at once. (You can also email them through Canvas.) For further questions regarding MyAccess, the GU registrar provides a MyAccess FAQ for faculty and staff. Additional information regarding how to use Canvas is included below.

How do I handle course evaluations?

For information regarding the University's web-based evaluation system, see the Office of Assessment and Decision Support's page on the BLUE course evaluation system. For help interpreting your results, see our Gathering Teaching Feedback page.

What is the attendance policy?

Georgetown does not have a formal attendance policy, but students are expected to attend all classes and to complete their assignments in a timely fashion. Reasonable exceptions may occur, of course, especially during particularly difficult semesters. You may have particular standards for attendance and roll call in your class and/or dedicate a particular component of the grade to attendance or participation, but ask the head of your department what their policy and process is for addressing a student’s consistent absence. Note: If a student has a personal or medical issue that precludes his or her attendance in an ongoing way, they should notify the Dean of their school.

How can my students receive additional assistance in my class?

Most departments offer their own subject tutors. Ask your department chair (or applicable person) for more information regarding department tutors. Writing tutoring is also available through the Georgetown Writing Center and the Academic Resource Center. With cura personalis at its core, the Academic Resource Center supports Georgetown students in three distinct ways while honoring each student’s individuality, diversity, and lived experiences: Disability Support, Student-Athlete Support, and Academic Support. You may also find the Engelhard Project’s faculty resources helpful for assisting students.

Course Logistics

Whom do I contact for help with classroom technology?

University Information Services now offers 24/7 technical support to Georgetown students, faculty, and staff. You may contact the service desk by chat, email, and phone, or navigate their online knowledge base of frequently asked questions for immediate help. As a new faculty member, you may want to start with their “New to Georgetown?” page. There is also a self-entry ticket feature where you are able to directly submit a help request without calling in to the service desk. All of Georgetown’s classrooms are “smart classrooms” that feature built-in computer systems for your use during class time. Visit the 24/7 UIS Service Center, email, or call 1-855-687-4949 for assistance. Classroom Educational Technology Services (CETS) provides equipment (e.g., cameras, microphones, tablets) for instructors to use in the classroom. Note: You will be required to pick any materials up from the Gelardin New Media Center.

When are my classes scheduled? Where can I find a university calendar?

Your schedule of classes, along with their locations, can be found by logging into MyAccess with your NetID and password. The University has particular scheduling policies and guidelines for each department. If you have concerns about the location and time of your class, it is best to speak with the head of your department or contact the Registrar. If you have trouble locating a building, please see the online campus map; individual buildings and directions are searchable. The academic calendar lists information including registration timelines, holidays, and final exams. Final exam schedules are not posted until the current semester, and the exam locations are provided after the times are listed. All other Georgetown events throughout the academic year are listed at the events calendar.

Where can I find the university catalog?

Undergraduate Departments and Programs outline the undergraduate catalog, including individual departments, their degree requirements, and their course offerings. For a complete listing of courses and descriptions in the current academic year, please visit instead. In addition, the catalog for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences may also be helpful.

How do I order textbooks for my students?

Contact Naomi Trexler from the Georgetown Bookstore for assistance.

Does the university provide course packs?

You can contact Sudie Wheatle of the GU Bookstores textbook department at 202-687-7482 or email for your Course Pack needs. Other printing resources available through the bookstore are listed on the Printing Resource Guide.

Where can I read the Faculty Handbook?

The Georgetown Faculty Handbook outlines the University’s mission statement; the organization and governance of the University; the structure of departments and tenure procedures; various policies on faculty conduct; benefits for faculty; and archived information.

How do I submit grades?

Course grades are submitted to the Registrar’s office using MyAccess. A description of the process can be found on the Registrar's Grading Policies page. This website also provides deadlines for both undergraduate and graduate students in the current academic year. Click the "Help" button in MyAccess, or contact the Registrar if you have specific questions regarding this process.

What is Canvas and how do I use it?

Canvas is Georgetown's learning management system. In Canvas, you will find a digital course site for each course you teach. In addition to providing a place to post documents, Canvas enables you to communicate with your class and individual students, collect and grade digital assignments, host discussion forums, upload media, view a photo roster of your students, administer surveys and quizzes, and more. Using the modules feature in Canvas, you can build and organize an intuitive and meaningful site for your students. For more information about Canvas, including training resources, getting help, and the Canvas login, see the Georgetown Canvas page.

What if I have to change my classroom?

If you require a new classroom for regular meetings of your course, please contact the Registrar directly. For special class events (screenings, etc.), department functions, and classroom usage policy, the Registrar provides information on Classroom Reservations, including a link to an online classroom request form.

What happens if inclement weather or other events prevent students and faculty from coming to campus?

Per the instructional continuity policy instituted in July 2014, instructional activities will be maintained during campus closures. The Instructional Continuity site offers some strategies for coping with disruptions and some examples of how faculty have addressed these challenges.

University Policy

How private are academic records?

The University takes the privacy of Academic Records very seriously, and a highly detailed policy regarding such records can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin:

“Georgetown University accords to its students all rights under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. No one outside the institution shall have access to students’ educational records nor will Georgetown disclose any information from these records without the written consent of students except:

to personnel within the institution,

to persons or organizations providing student financial aid,

to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function,

to persons in compliance with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena (provided that the University will first make a reasonable attempt to notify the student),

to organizations conducting studies to develop, validate, and administer predictive tests; to administer student aid programs; or to improve instruction,

to authorized representatives of federal or state government agencies for the purpose of audit and evaluation of government programs,

to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons, and

to parents of a dependent student as defined in the Internal Revenue Code.”

A more direct version of the policy, as well as specifics regarding electronic records, can be found on the Electronic Records and Privacy Policy page.

How can I provide accommodations for my students with disabilities?

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for appropriate accommodations. The ARC includes specific information for faculty regarding students with disabilities, including clear delineations of the roles of faculty, students, and the ARC, as well as a more general policy stating that “students who self-identify and provide sufficient documentation of a qualifying disability are entitled to receive reasonable accommodations, such as modifications of programs, academic adjustments, or auxiliary aides as a means to participate in programs and activities.”

Does Georgetown have an honor system?

The Georgetown University Honor Council, in keeping with the University’s mission as a Jesuit, Catholic institution committed to the education of the whole person, has issued a formal honor system that includes the following: “Upon application to any of the academic divisions of Georgetown University subject to the jurisdiction of the Honor System, all students will agree to sign the Honor Pledge. Upon matriculation, the student will state or write the pledge as follows:

In pursuit of the high ideals and rigorous standards of academic life I commit myself to respect and to uphold the Georgetown University honor system:

To be honest in every academic endeavor, and

To conduct myself honorably, as a responsible member of the Georgetown community as we live and work together.

Faculty may at their discretion require students to include a signed version of the pledge with their assignments.”

The honor system also includes more specific standards of conduct regarding plagiarism, misuse of library and technological resources, and falsifying academic documentation, among other issues.

How do I report an incident of students experiencing sexual harassment?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX") prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational programs or activities that receive federal funding. Sexual harassment, which includes acts of sexual misconduct, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

All University employees and faculty, except those designated as confidential counselors, must report incidents of sexual misconduct to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator within 24 hours after the report has been made, or as soon as possible. For more information, For additional information on this policy, refer to this section of the Faculty Handbook and to Georgetown’s Sexual Misconduct page.

How do I make sure I am within copyright and fair use guidelines?

Information about fair use can be found at the Georgetown Library site. If you have questions about copyright issues at Georgetown, you can explore the links on this page.

Teacher Development

Where do I find information about previous versions of a course I’m currently teaching?

By searching the Course Catalog for a course you are currently teaching, you can easily find information about previous versions of that course by using the links on the left. Sometimes you’ll find a syllabus or other materials there. If not, you can find the faculty members who have taught the course in the past, and use the Directory to contact them. Your department chair may also be able to put you in direct touch with people who’ve taught the course before.

How do I design a course and/or syllabus?

The CNDLS website includes information on course and syllabus design, and we provide a more detailed perspective on the Teaching Commons, an online resource for guidance on teaching created here at CNDLS. For more specific assistance with course and syllabus design, faculty are encouraged to email CNDLS at for a consultation or to investigate resources.

Other Information

What are the recognized religious holidays on campus?

Information regarding religious holidays can be found primarily via the Georgetown Campus Ministry website. The Provost’s Policy Accommodating Students’ Religious Observances is as follows:

“Georgetown University promotes respect for all religions. Any student who is unable to attend classes or to participate in any examination, presentation, or assignment on a given day because of the observance of a major religious holiday (see below) or related travel shall be excused and provided with the opportunity to make up, without unreasonable burden, any work that has been missed for this reason and shall not in any other way be penalized for the absence or rescheduled work. Students will remain responsible for all assigned work. Students should notify professors in writing at the beginning of the semester of religious observances that conflict with their classes. … The Provost and the Main Campus Executive Faculty encourage faculty to accommodate students whose bona fide religious observances in other ways impede normal participation in a course. ”

A list of Religious Holy Days likely to affect students can be found on this Campus Ministries page.

Where can I learn more about the history of Georgetown?

Georgetown is one of the oldest universities in the USA, and the oldest Catholic university. As such, it has a rich and varied history; you can explore some of this history at the history portal. This site also features links to historical photos, a facts page, and collections at Lauinger library that reflect Georgetown’s past. A separate site examines our historical role in the injustice of slavery and the legacies of enslavement and segregation in our nation as well as our efforts to begin addressing those wrongs.

How can I find things on campus?

You can search the online campus map.

What are the Jesuit values that the university holds?

As a Jesuit university, Georgetown is committed to maintaining Jesuit values: care for the whole person, a commitment to social justice, and a call to educate in ways both spiritual and practical. You can read more about the order, its history, and its identity as part of the University at the Jesuit Heritage page. You’ll also find news stories and features about the order’s involvement in education and the world.

What is the Georgetown neighborhood like?

The Georgetown neighborhood actually predates the creation of the District of Columbia. Founded in 1751 as a separate town, it has a rich history of its own, and remains a vibrant area of the city. For information about the area’s businesses, attractions, services, entertainment, and more, a good place to start is the website of the Georgetown Business Improvement District.

Where can I find out more about transportation to and from the Georgetown area?

Parking is available in three main garages on campus, designated lots on and around campus, and at meters on the surrounding streets. Although there is no Metro stop in Georgetown, the University provides a shuttle bus, “GUTS”, which operates between the main campus and: metro stops at Dupont Circle and Rosslyn; the GU Law Center; offices on Wisconsin Avenue; and North Arlington. The schedule and stop locations can be found at the GUTS website. Bus routes that connect Georgetown with the rest of the area include the D1, D2, D3, D5, D6, G2, 31, 32, 36, and 38B. Bus timetables and routes are available through WMATA. Additionally, taxis can often be found outside the main campus gates at the corner of 37th and O Streets, and a Capital Bikeshare rack can be found in the same location.