To teach effectively, your teaching must be accessible to your students, all of whom come to the classroom with varied backgrounds, expectations, and abilities. This understanding is at the heart of the philosophy of practice known as universal design for learning (UDL). UDL is part of a larger movement of universal design, which works to increase access for all through designs that consider the needs of diverse people from the beginning.. For instructors, UDL means designing your course with accessibility in mind—regardless of whether you’ve been approached by a student who may “require” such adjustments.
Why consider UDL?
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, eleven percent of undergraduates report some type of disability — and there has been a marked increase in non-apparent disabilities (e.g., mental, emotional, psychiatric condition/depression, ADHD, specific learning disabilities/dyslexia) in recent years. At the same time, between sixty and eighty percent of students with disabilities don’t actually contact campus university services for “official” accommodation requests/reporting — which means many students in your classrooms may fall in this category without your knowledge. Also, by putting disability and access considerations at the center of our teaching, we join efforts to make higher education accessible to all of our students.
Key principles of UDL
In their publication “Universal Design for Learning in Postsecondary Education,” Rose, et al. remind us the importance of distinguishing UDL from use of “assistive technologies” from “low-tech” wheelchairs, eyeglasses, or ASL interpreters to more “high tech” computerized support—spell-check, text-to-speech. More than making material that is physically accessible to all, UDL is about accessible pedagogies.
Based on neuroscientific research and primary brain networks, UDL is grounded in three key principles that are core to learning, shown in the following graphic:
Adapted from the National UDL Center.
Universal design in your course
While several starters and tips for incorporating UDL into your course(s) are listed below, an especially helpful resource for checklists and recommendations on UDL is CAST’s UDL on campus site.
Review your syllabus
- Do you include a disability or accessibility statement (your approach to disability and accommodations in the classroom)? Do you point this out to students in your in-class syllabus review?
- Consider what tone you are setting with including such a statement. Since it is your classroom, perhaps create your own, tailored statement, even if it’s just an addition to your institution’s existing statement
- We’ve developed a variety of course policies you can use, each of which touch on UDL principles. Consider the placement of such statement(s) on the syllabus, and how you might highlight these during class.
- Additional suggested practices for UDL & syllabus design.
- Have you considered combinations of assessments that are balanced to provide opportunities for students to use their different strengths (e.g., written assignments, creative submissions, electronic portfolios, real-time data)?
- Within each assignment, are instructions clear? Are the layout and format of the assignment easy to navigate?
- Check out our Designing Assessment page for more ideas and suggestions.
Course materials
- Do you provide“multiple means of representation,” which involves preparing your course materials (whether print, digital, et c.) to be accessible to all students?
- Try creating visual materials like handouts or a few PowerPoint slides to go along with your lectures.
- Are your course materials accessible? CAST (also referenced earlier) has information on how to design materials that are in line with universal design principles for Microsoft products (Word, PowerPoint) and other applications (e.g., Adobe).
Class time
- Make sure to present information in multiple formats, including text, graphics, audio, and video.
- Try having your lectures supported by handouts or a few slides.
- Davies et al. of Colorado State University, recommend the use of video clips, as long as you are sure to both introduce the video and summarize/debrief main points with the class in Measuring the Effectiveness of Universal Design for Learning Intervention in Postsecondary Education.
- Consider the following ways to use and tailor discussion activities to increase student engagement:
- Providing time for individual reflection and writing prior to the group discussion may allow more students to be involved and gather their thoughts.
- Using a “Think-Pair-Share” exercise with pairs or small groups discussing ideas can also encourage more low-stakes participation.
- Offering online formats like a forum for online discussion or blogging provides another space for students to participate and demonstrate comprehension.
- Can you provide a bit of structure at the beginning of each class by outlining key points, connecting them to course objectives, and giving a preview of the material to be covered that day?
- Check out our Planning and Leading Class, Teaching with Technology, and Active Learning pages for more ideas.
CAST’s UDL on campus site is another especially helpful resource for checklists and recommendations on implementing UDL.
Remember, key principles of UDL include providing multiple means of expression and of engagement—offer students a variety of ways to express themselves and to interact with course material.
Additional resources
- CNDLS, Georgetown University. Inclusive Pedagogy Toolkit.
- Georgetown Academic Resource Center
- National Center on Universal Design for Learning
- CAST: UDL on Campus
- Universal Design for Learning in Postsecondary Education Reflections on Principles and their Application (UDL Center)
- Burgstahler, Sheryl E. (Ed.) Universal Design in Higher Education: From Principles to Practice (2nd. ed.)